Virtual Conference
Global Education Conference and Postgraduate Colloquium 2021
Education in Crisis :
Global Education Amidst the Pandemic & The Way Forward
Day 1 - 8 SEPT 2021 Day 2 - 9 SEPT 2021Download the conference e-book


School of Education and Humanities

Yayasan Pendidikan Khalifah (YPK)

Kiwanis Club Taman Tun Dr Ismail (KCTTDI)

Commemorative Speech by
YB Senator Tengku Datuk Seri Utama Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz
Finance Minister of Malaysia

Opening Address by
YBhg. Dato' Prof Dr Husaini Omar
Director General, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE), Malaysia

Closing Speech Day 1 by
YBhg. Professor Datuk Seri Ir Dr Zaini Ujang
Secretary-General, Ministry of Environment and Water, Malaysia
Member of Board of Directors & Board of Governors of UNIRAZAK

YBhg. Tan Sri Hj Syed Zainal Abidin Syed Tahir
Chairman of Brainy Bunch International Islamic Montessori, Malaysia
Former Chairman of UiTM, Malaysia
New Challenges In Education Post COVID-19

His Excellency Sami Leino
Ambassador of Finland to Malaysia and Brunei (Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland)
Finland’s Formula in Addressing Educational Challenges in the Face of the Pandemic

His Excellency Dr Abdulla Rasheed Ahmed
Minister of State for Education, National Institute of Education of Maldives
Riding the Pandemic Waves: How Maldives Confronts New Challenges in National Education

Prof Emeritus
William Timpson
School of Education,
University of Colorado, US
Inclusive Education: Bridging Differences and Healing Old Wounds

Ruby Liu
Malaysia Education
Service Centre
How Schools and Higher Education are Getting through COVID-19: Early Lessons Learned from China’s Experience
Malaysia’s Education Landscape Amidst the Pandemic:
Issues, Challenges & The Way Forward

Dato' Fatimah Saad
Founder & Chairperson
Kiwanis Malaysia Academy

Taranjeet Singh
Chairman of Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Regional Board Malaysia

Datin Shomiriza
Board of Directors and Principal
Khalifah Model School Primary

Assoc. Prof Dr Zaida
Dean, School of Education and Humanities, UNIRAZAK

Fatimah Abu Bakar
President, Kiwanis Club, TTDI
PR Officer for Kiwanis Malaysia Academy
CEO Celebrating Thinkers Sdn Bhd
Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education

Colt Kwong
Canvas Instructure

Dr. Dzahar Mansor
National Technology Officer,
Microsoft Malaysia

Victor Lam
Educational Specialist,

Ts. Dr. Muhammad Helmi Norman
Apple Distinguished Educator

Muzamir Othman@Marzuki
Senior Director,
Knowledge Management Centre, UNIRAZAK
The past year has challenged all of us in many ways and the education sector is still experimenting with remote teaching as half of the global student population is still affected by full or partial school closures. Teaching professionals have had to adapt to extended periods of minimal social contact, of working from home, of altering lesson plans, of home-schooling their own children and their students at the same time, and of learning new digital tools to support teaching and research. We have had to be resilient and creative during these hard times.

This conference is held to provide a forum for sharing the latest ideas and developments, best practices and principles with regards to conducive and supportive environments needed to enhance teaching and learning from the misalignment between resources and needs to the reality checks we must all come to terms with in regards to leadership and management strategies in the new norm.
Connect with Esteemed Participants
Join leading researchers from around the globe at the Global Education Conference and Postgraduate Colloquium 2021, organised by Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, to meet, learn and network with peers and experts as we discuss the challenges and solutions of global education amidst the pandemic in its widest sense, across disciplines, methods and cultures.
Individuals interested in submitting papers & posters that address the conference's theme and sub-themes are invited to do so. The papers & posters may be empirical or conceptual in nature. The research paper's objective(s), research questions, methodology, and findings must all be stated explicitly. A conceptual paper must have distinct goals, a theoretical or conceptual framework, and a critical analysis. The abstract should not exceed 250 words. At the bottom of the abstract, please include the paper's sub-themes and keywords and submit to the conference secretariat. All papers accepted for publication will be considered for inclusion in indexed journals. The conference proceedings, including an abstract, will be made available online.
- To provide a forum for sharing the latest ideas and developments, best practices and principles with regards to conducive and supportive environments needed to enhance teaching and learning from the misalignment between resources and needs to the reality checks we must all come to terms with regards to leadership and management strategies in a now New Reality.
- To gain an understanding of the complexities of the interface between the digital Teaching and Learning scope and diverse interlocutors
- Academicians
- Researchers
- Teachers
- Teacher trainers
- Policy makers
- Developmental Research Design for Postgraduate Studies
- Teaching and Learning Challenges to cope with new norm
- Practices of teaching in the Pandemic Era
- Application of Digital Teaching and Learning
- Leadership and Management strategies in managing the new era of digital teaching and learning
- Teacher education and Leadership
- Identity construction
- Independent Learning
- Teaching and Learning Curricula
- Communication and Literacy
- Duality of public and private educational systems
It should have an intro, body and conclusion. It is a well-developed paragraph, should be exact in wording, and must be understandable to a wide audience. Abstracts should be no more than 250 words, formatted in Microsoft Word, and single-spaced, using size 12 Times New Roman font.
Download Template
why you should attend the
Global Education Conference and Postgraduate Colloquium
To learn from renowned experts in the education sector
To strategise and exchange knowledge in light of the new norm for teaching and learning
To converse with other esteemed researchers from different institutions on the subject matter
To network with national and international participants and create possible future collaborations
To have your research published and indexed
To discover about the latest research findings and the future impacts by attending the programmed sessions
To stay on top of the recent developments and trends in the field
To explore the critical challenges and factors influencing the education sector during the pandemic
To acquire information on the latest tools of the trade in the education field
To gather with like-minded individuals and motivate each other to always work towards creating better education environments for the society